Home security

Couple of Ways to Stop Criminals from Choosing Your Home Here are ten creative ways to deter burglars from targeting your home and prevent a break-in. Learn how to keep you and your family safe all year round. Break-ins happen all the time. If someone wants to break into a house, they can probably find a way to make it happen. While home security systems have been proven to deter burglars, they aren’t guaranteed to stop a bad guy in their tracks. Since there is no sure-fire way to keep your home from danger or damage once it has been selected as the target, the best course of action is to take preventative measures to ensure your home is not singled out. Below is a list of ten ways to stop criminals from choosing your home. Keep in mind that the main goal is to keep your home from being targeted. Trust us, prevention is always better than dealing with the aftermath of a home break-in. So without further ado, let’s dive right Arrangement of lights   The first and most significant...

Adobe illustrater for beginners

 After watching the video you will be able to

You will be able to add Illustrator to your CV

You will be able to start earning money from your Illustrator Skills.

You will have over 30 of your own projects to add to your portfolio.

Feel comfortable using Adobe Illustrator to design your own graphics from scratch.

Navigate Adobe Illustrator CC like a pro.

Design your own graphics, without any experience.

Draw beginner to advanced shapes and icons.

Learn all of the key skills of Illustrator: shapes, text, masking, effects, and exporting.

Master advanced Illustrator tools and techniques.

Export your projects for print, web, or other design projects.

Make your ideas come to life.

Create your own logos.

Draw existing famous logos.

Illustrate animals.

Draw with paint brushes.

Draw with pens & pencils.

Create custom typography.

Take hand drawings and recreate them using Illustrator.

Create a logo badge with text that wraps around.

Create type that follows a curving line.

Put images inside of text for cool effects.

Create beautiful gradients and apply them to icons, text & illustrations.

Find the secrets to choosing color combinations for your work.

Create a paper cut effect.

Pull, push & cut text to make interesting styles.

Repeat patterns to create vector flowers.

You will redraw yourself as an illustration.

Create many different icons styles.

Build a repeating pattern to be used as wallpaper or fabric designs.

Find many templates for posters, stationery & UI designs to save you time.

You'll build create assets like colors, patterns & drawings using the Illustrator mobile app.

Click here to watch video


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